Monday, November 24, 2008


i added the illustrations

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Specimen new try

work in progress

i decided to talk the illustrations out, just wanna try this out.
inspirations are from Alexey Brodovitch and Fabian Baron
i would want to use a more contrasty typeface tho.

From Harper's Bazzar by Fabian Baron

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

info graphy 3rd try

so this is my 3rd try for the info-graphy.
i took away the income classes.

household item

Tape You Away
Instant Hair Remover

Creative Ways to Use Tape You Away
Protect a window during hurricane
Shut people’s mouths
Wear it as a wrist band
Repair anything
Make a bandage
Tight people up

Stop a leak

Monday, November 3, 2008

set text type book/ ideas for household items

i actually have sketches for the household items, will upload later. and i am working on setting a type book, because i just bought this/last week's TIME magazine. it's about 7 things that could go wrong on election day.

as for the household items, i am thinking using tape, or bra to do something.